Monday, July 20, 2015

H1B1 Visas

I have major problems with H1B1 Visas and its affects on Information Technology Security Professionals here in the USA. Have you noticed that corporations and sometimes government agencies tend to outsource their IT departments or even customer service centers related to tech to people overseas leaving displaced Americans out in the cold. Not only that these high wage IT workers who are laid off affects not their families but the communities like the restaurants, grocery stores, bars, and etc. Also affects the tax base of the city and county governments for revenues yes I know we live in a information and digital age type of economy, but we also need to understand that hiring foreign nationals to do the jobs of American IT workers on the cheap is totally wrong. I know that proponents of the H1B Visa program i.e. Facebook, Apple, IBM, Microsoft and other big tech firms will say that," H1B Visas are the future and we need to global help to solve the IT security problems of the present and of the future." That is all sounds fine and good, but when you think about it  H1B1 Visas has done more harm than good and now these same companies want to expand the program from 65,000 to 195,000 if that happens then the US tech force will be severely crippled to the point of beyond repair.

Yes I have an open mind, but we must put The American Tech Force first black, white, yellow, red, and etc. I do believe in putting the needs of IT workers here in America first then foreign nationals any day of the week. Senior Management must understand that sure the american IT workers are very expensive, but at the end of the day they are really good at their jobs and the last thing they need to is to train some foreigner from a different part of the world  who don't speak the language via web ex sessions or in person training to replace them at their desks. I do not care if you offering 100 grand as severance pay to the IT department to train the foreign replacements it does have long term consequences and ramifications in the end. Like I stated earlier if the IT workforce gets laid off in a  community lets say Melbourne, Florida the space coast and also the home of NASA then it will destroyed and crashed the local economy there and once these IT jobs are gone they are never going to return again look that these articles below to expand your knowledge. In my next blog I will be talking about How to Detact Keyloggers on your computers everyone.


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