Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Why The Price of the Internet Needs to Go Up

You know I find this amazing that social media is giving idiots and trolls a major voice on the internet and it is destroying any common sense reasoning and logic. Think about it for a moment have you wondering why you are arguing with stupid people on the internet who loves to revel in their ignorance and stupidity and making your head spinning over the dumb stuff they are saying just leave them behind. I feel like the price of the internet needs to go way up like $ 350 dollars a month along with paying bills that way the idiots  and keyboard warriors wont have a voice anymore because the price has went up. For example, look at the whole Dr. Bill Cosby incident everyone had something to say on social media and the commons and the memes' making fun, using racial comments and wishing death on him is way out of line and dead wrong. Look whatever if you believe Dr. Cosby did it or not its not important at moment and my new blog will be my thoughts on the whole Dr. Cosby fiasco, but now lets focus on price of the internet. Not to mention they are now attack Dr. Cosby's wife Camille Cosby and calling her foul names and wishing death on her and hoping she get rape in the process boy I tell you ppl on social media really need some major help and rehab because they are taking the internet way too seriously for their own good my god man grow up people and enjoy life.

Now I know the keyboard warriors and idiots are going to be mad at me and personally I do not give two flying figs about their opinions and  their crap they spew I have learned  that people are going to attack you regardless so I am bracing myself for the impact. Plus I know what are they going to say regarding the price of the internet," The internet must be free, fucking fascist, corporate sellout, traitor to the free internet and etc" That is fine but what I am saying is some people do not deserve to have the internet I wish the Internet Service Providers or ISPs can cut off the internet from idiots and doucebags who are being disrespectful on the internet until they paid the extra 350 dollars for access on the internet. In conclusion if idiots have to shell out 350 bucks just for access internet then you will not see as many trolls or keyboard warriors having a voice on the internet that is one black man's opinion and you can take it to the bank. Internet trolls and keyboard warriors are ruining the intelligence discourse online if the critics do not like my assessment then deuces go find another blog that will love your ignorance.


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