Friday, September 26, 2014

Is Facebook on the Decline?

I was pondering about this topic is Facebook on the decline. Someone might ask me," Why different does it make John whether if Facebook is on the decline or not?" I will tell you why have you notice that the social media network giant Facebook has about over 1.28 or 1.3 billion users currently right, but yet Facebook adds only about 1 million users per quarter in America. But wait there is more in the height of Facebook's zenith the company was adding 50 million users a quarter at one time and it looks like it will never reach that 50 million mark again.

There is this new social networking company called Ello this company is in its baby stage right now, but it has the potential to not only grow, but one day drive Facebook and other social networking giants out of business from the social media and tech market. For example, I was looking at the Ello social network business model and they promise there will be no data mining or ads on their website and it will protect privacy for the users, If Ello and its founders stays true to its principles and protect the privacy of its users then Facebook will have a fight on its hands. I said this will be interesting what will Mark Zuckerberg do? I guess we will wait and see what Facebook's next move will be.

Of course Facebook is the number 1 champion of social media, but remember this somewhere across this country there are always someone to take your spot. Right now if Facebook the Tech and Social media giant does not watch their backs Ello is waiting in the wings to take the number 1 status away from their hands. It is just like business you cant stop competition or small companies from gaining a foothold in the Tech and Social Media market(Tech Startups) or independent programmers in the basement or in college dorm rooms to try to take your spot that is why important to be more competitive if I was to advise Mark Zuckerberg CEO of Facebook I will say," Find integrative ways to be more marketable to the users, respect privacy from users, tune down the data mining and the ads from aggressive marketers and advertisers, prevent hackers from hacking into personal Facebook user accounts from stealing personal and sensitive informationm and etc." Otherwise risk being caught slipping in the near future by the tech start ups and independent programmers and not to mention catching a big huge lawsuits from former and disgrunted FB users and employees. Okay everyone my next blog will called," Why Black People must considered the Information Technology (IT) field."

Look at this 2 news articles below:


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