Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The Internet and Trolls

Now look at the 2 pictures I have pasted below these 2 pictures are internet trolls or wanna be tough guys see below. Now what is an internet troll you asked internet trolls are a group of cowards living under their momma's couch or their girlfriends house on the computer every single day causting internet drama all over social media and YouTube. These Trolls have no life of their own, but love to stirred the pot on the internet and cause never ending drama on the web. Now Black folk makeup the largest users on social media outlets, but yet like to cause drama on the web. I have seen internet drama 1sthand myself people on social media asking me to pick a side on who is right and bash the other person who is on the video. Internet trolls comes in of all shapes, sizes,colors, creeds, and stripes. I do have to admit some of these trolls are interesting but sad at the same time. There was this one internet commentary said,"Dont feed the trolls." Meaning do not respond to them because all there going to do is cause more drama and you cannot win with them all they are going to do is get you pissed off and go into a keyboarding war with them and with that they have win the battle and the war. Why because think about this for a second why the hell are you want to respond to a negative comment for a stupid troll the more you get into a internet beef with a troll or trolls that can take a toll on your offline life like your family, friends schoolwork, and your day job. If you look at closely at these trolls all they are a bunch of cowards behind a keyboard and a house thinking they are a tough guy behind the computer 6 foot 6 and 250 pounds of muscle but in honestly they are 5 foot 5 155 pounds of coward with all talk no action. The best thing you can do with a troll is just block them and don't respond to their bulljive save you the stress and pointless argument. Remember the internet trolls have no life outside of the internet they need the internet to breathe and become relevant to the person that they are attacking and making negative comments for the person to respond.

The internet gives voice to the stupid people(trolls) with a big megaphone i.e. the world wide web think about this there are high school kids are fighting over internet drama in the schools because of 1 or 2 trolls said about that person that led to the fight and they are have been people get shot or killed because of internet drama and trolls. I know the streetz everyone these wanna be tough keyboard warring trolls will not last 10 minutes on the street they will get the crap kicked outta them or be shot dead because of their mouths. With the internet the trolls felt like they are safe and talk bad and causing envy, discourse, drama among people on the internet the moral of the story everyone be careful on what you say online it will come back to haunt you because once you pissed off the wrong person they will find you or the lawmen will arrest for cyber-bulling  or in the streetz terms they come see you with their gats. Stop please stop trolling and causing drama among good people on the internet Next up I will be talking about,"Catfish and how to avoid them." Thank you.


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