Friday, October 3, 2014


Sorry for the 2 day delay, but its well worth the wait and today's blog will be talking about is Hackers. This the two images I have found on hackers on Google search regarding on hackers and they are different types of hackers such as cyber terrorists, criminals,pranksters,hackvists like Anonymous, and etc. Now someone will ask me," John what in the heck are hackers and how does it affect me?" Hackers are a group of people that hacked into corporate,government, law enforcement, and banking sensitive and confidential information for ill gotten gains. Such as hacking and causing an data breach into an major Wall Street bank like JPMorganChase a banking giant that have hacked and its 76 million affected customers and their personal or business bank account information stolen from these hackers.

It is a cat and mouse game the cat(Good hackers) and the mouse(Bad hackers) every time the corporations and government tried to improve on their cyber defenses and the hackers are always finding ways to exploit and finding an holes in cyber defenses. I notice that on the news or when I doing an Google search on hacking it is always some corporation having a data breach or their cyber defenses being attacked by hackers and I am thinking to myself," I thought that big businesses networks were safe for their customers and clients alike?" I guess not since the rise of hackers you think that major corporations  should invest into cyber security networks and hire programmers, security analysts, database administrators(DBA), and etc.To the upper management of these major corporations to them cyber security and hackers are not important and a waste of time. I said it is very important hackers can potentially destroy the entire US economy and crucial infrastructure. Lets give you an worse case scenario the hackers have hacked into our out dated power grids and the power outage has reached nationwide and the power outage has lasted for about 6 months to a year. Just imagined all commerce will shutdown, TV and news will cease to exist, the internet will go bankrupt everything and everyone is affected by the power outage thanks to the hackers.That have grave and dire national security consequences and as society is increasing dependance on Technology for their business,shopping, banking, and etc. The more chances the hackers will attack our outdated and industrial control grids and network systems if we don't fixed and make important investment to updating our systems and networks then the hackers will make our economy easy prey for an organized cyber attack in which this country have never seen before. That is why our policy makers and corporate executives need to come up with a plan to combat this potential grave threat in the coming future.

I will explain in future blogs on how hackers and the economy what can we do to stop them or at least slow them down. Anyways, my next blog will be my review of the Google Watch. Tune in I am John "Tech Head" McSwain signing off.


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