Monday, October 13, 2014

Making A Case For Black Silcon Valley Part 2

I do not understand why are black and brown people who have a passion for tech or computers are begging Silicon Valley for tech jobs. Brothas and sistas we need to form our own black version of Silicon Valley to form our own technology firms and businesses besides the top 5 tech firms such as Google,Facebook,Twitter,Apple, and Yahoo are not going to gave you a job. You got to make your own job in any event if the top 5 tech firms wont hire you make your job or work for someone in the long term create your own tech start-ups and enterprises. Let ask you a question brothas and sistas do really think even if the tech firms hire you for example do you really want to be the token black person in the entire company to meet a federal diversity quota?

Do not get me wrong, but I know we as peoples of color faced racism on a regular and daily basis in the tech world it is no different. What to do one might asked give up or form a black Silicon Valley to hire young brothas and sistas out of college and put them to work to not only compete against Silicon Valley, but to run them outta business and blow them out of the damn water. We can do this if we put our collective minds and bring our economics resources to the table then we form our own Silicon Valley. Let me ask another question brothas and sistas did Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Eric Schmidt, the traitorous 8, and other tech moguls did they begged for jobs in their youth while they was in college? The Answer is no because most of them dropped out of college to form their own tech empires, economic futures and made their own dreams a reality.

According to the USA today title called Tech Jobs: Minorities have degrees, but don't get hired by Jessica Guyum and Elizabeth Weise and they said in the article,"As technology becomes a major engine of economic growth in the U.S. economy, tech companies are under growing pressure to diversify their workforces, which are predominantly white, Asian and male. Leaving African Americans and Hispanics out of that growth increases the divide between haves and have-nots. And the technology industry risks losing touch with the diverse nation — and world — that forms its customer base."  In other the big tech firms in Silicon Valley and America are saying in no uncertain terms we don't want people of color working for us it is sad but its the true they are a lot of black and brown computer science majors or other engineering related degrees or certifications get turned down or away and hired some guy from India,Pakistan, China, or Southeast Asia countries with their H1-visas who cannot speak a lick of English and pay a bum ass salary while staying in the US for a temporary time like 18 months to 24 months. Instead of hiring a hard working brotha and sistas with the same qualifications like they non-black and brown counterparts.

Even if they hired you for example they will be known as the token in Silicon Valley. Someone will ask me," Whats wrong with being a token in silicon valley?" My response will be if you like being subjected to humiliated, degrading, hearing racial jokes,dogged out by your co-workers and your bosses then be my guess as for me I want to build my own tech firm and someday bring silicon valley down to their knees with a black silicon valley to support my company. Sometimes in life brothas and sistas you got to fight and embrace a black silicon valley my hope is it will be here in the near future.

To my non-black readers out there on social media and in real life this is why Cyber_Brotha was form to not only talk about tech, but to talk about the racial issues in the tech industry. That is why I said from a black male point of view because we need all voices from different backgrounds to talk about tech as well until then my next blog will be about Law Enforcement Loves Social Media. This is John "Tech Head" McSwain signing off good night.

Here is the like to the USA Today article:


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