My thoughts on Net Neutrality
Hey guys I normally do not write 2 blogs a day, but today I feel like this needs to be heard regarding Net Neutrality. Net Neutrality is meant for the average person to have a voice on the internet without paying an hefty price for internet service and can use it for his or her business ventures. The internet is a place where people can share their ideas and found common interest to talk to each other from around the world without going to the airport to meet them face to face. Also the user can access the news sites from around the world from a different viewpoint without listening to mainstream media and reading dull and blend newspapers. My question why are major internet service providers and some major tech companies are against Net Neutrality? Is it because that everyone is having an voice and equal playing field to compete and creating new and clever, innovation ways to brand their services and products.
Here is some big names who are against Net Neutrality: Verizon,AT&T,Comcast,The National Cable and Telecommunications Association(lobbying organization),and The National Music Publishers. There are more see below.To matters worse why in the hell are the NAACP and other civil rights organizations are against Net Neutrality or an open free internet for all. It is seems to me that someone paid the NAACP and other black and brown civil rights groups off with an hefty donations and nice paychecks for the black and brown leadership members.
An open and free internet is better than a few companies calling the shots and slowing up your internet connection if you disagree with them or exposing their tactics. Without Net Neutrality then how can small tech start ups can compete against the giant and establish corporations with political connects on capital hill and in your state capital.
I am John"Tech Head" McSwain signing out and remember check out my blog Cyber_Brotha for more tech commentary from yours truly from a black perpersitve for a diversity tech world and industry. My Next blog will be called," Drones." Check out these news articles regarding Net Neutrality.

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