Sunday, July 19, 2015

Nothing is Secure in the Cyber World

You know as I begin to wonder nothing in the cyber security world is secure nowadays think about in organizations they keep on talking their security systems are up to date and top notch in security. But in reality there are not as secure with every security and cyber defense that are developed by organizations or contracted out to third party vendors and developers nothing is really secure in the IT world. Think about every system as a weakness that hackers, cyber terrorists, criminals, and etc can exploited security flaws for their own personal gain. Have you notice that senior management in both public(Government) and private(Corporate) are very oblivious to the dangers of data breaches they think that all they need to do is just put a band aid in the problem and hopefully another data breach does not happen at their watch in the coming future. I am sorry, but in order to prevent any kind of data breaches to any organization is to make the necessary investments to protect critical information and to senior management stop living in a 20th century bubble thinking that no one can harm your organization from the outside or in the internally(Rogue or pissed off employees) cyber security wise. Also listen to your IT staff on regarding the problem and how can the organization take countermeasures and protocols to prevent these data breaches or at least limited the impact from severely harming the control grid from damages that are beyond repair.

Look I know that we want to live in a secure world that our information is safe and sound, but we need to understand that your, mobile devices, credit or debit cards, laptops, home desktops, and other electronic items can be subjected to be hacked at any given time by black hatted hackers. Plus not to mention even your home defense security system or smart systems can be also hacked as well. For example one of the ways a hacker can hacked a home smart security system is to as usual reset your passwords without your notice or pretend to have user credentials to exploit the weakness in the security system and flaws. There are many examples all there on the internet but I will say this everyone must take precautions in order to secure your personal and private information look at this articles below to give you an idea same thing with large and small corporations and government agencies see below and as for my next blog will be called Data Breaches and Senior Management Incompetent towards IT Related Matters.


At July 20, 2015 at 8:20 AM , Blogger Shawn James said...

Great blog!


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