Thursday, July 23, 2015

Can a Hacker Hack a Car?

You know before I have thought about writing a blog regarding about hackers is it possible to hacked a automobile? The answer is a shocking yes cars can be hacked by hackers in today's modern era since everyone is so dependable on their cars to get that to point A to point B. If you look at these so called smart cars with these different and emerging technologies making it easier for hackers to exploit the vulnerabilities of the smart systems in today's cars. Think about this worse case scenario for a second here if hackers get organized and hacked these smart cars on the freeway or the interstate drivers will be killed, severely maimed, permanently injured, and etc. Auto companies must integrate security protocols and high sophisticated security patches to protect the smart cars from hackers and cyber criminals. Also promote public awareness to drivers and auto consumers that there cars are not as completely secure and take precautions when imputing their passwords on the dashboards.

Now lets get into how can a hacker can hacked a car or a truck via remote access to a laptop. It is really simple all a hacker needs hacked into a car's Electronic Control Unit or ECUs to get access to the internal vehicle network every single modern day car has 20 to 100 devices in its design.  How does a ECU work you might asked it communicates with different parts of the vehicle to operate in a smooth way.Gain access to the vehicle's head or controller chip or firmware. Use the head unit's firmware to compromise the vehicle's controller area network(CAN) which speaks to all of the ECUs throughout the vehicle.Discover which CAN messaging can control various vehicle functions   Here is the scary part most ECUs are not secure security wise in a vehicle and they do pose a huge risk to car manufacturer, passengers, and the vehicle itself. If automobile companies are not careful then car accidents and lawsuits will be on the rise and the auto insurance will skyrocket the price. Also I wish that automakers and their Information Technology Departments take the time and install security protocols, detection and countermeasures against remote access to attacks by hackers to protect their vehicles on the road. At the end of the day like my last blog stated that," Nothing is Secure Anymore." That includes motor vehicles as well looked at these articles below if you guys do not believe me.


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