Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Law Enforcement loves Social Media

Hey guys I was not going to do a blog today, but I have something of an interested blog about law enforcement and why do they love social so much. Think about if your a member of law enforcement a beat cop,detective, school resource officer(SRO), and etc. Why go hours upon hours of unnessary paperwork when you got social media think about it there are alot of criminals posting their wicked deeds like stealing, killing,robbing, raping a female victim or child, bullying, and etc. Think about this if you read Facebook's terms and services in any event if your caught doing a crime then Facebook can turn over your account to that's right law enforcement as evidence. In other words Facebook,Twitter, and other social media sites are the ultmate snitch on you, but then again its your fault when doing a crime and you got caught.

I notice in the black community that young brothas and sistas use social media more often then their non-black counterparts. Something about 88 percent of blacks uses social media often, but doing the most stupid and dumb stuff on their social media pages. Knowing this common sense must be applied here if law enforcement is on social media looking for criminals to bust then why the hell are you posting Worldstarhiphop fight videos or posting an instagram photo of yourself with guns, drugs, and wads of cash talking about you blew someone's head off for $1300 and stole the local drug dealer's stash. Don't you think at some point that local drug dealer will dime you out to the cops and trace your social media page for evidence. The new case files now are the social media outlets for evidence I am telling everyone read the terms and services of your social media outlet for better understanding of the social media service.

Granted this may cause some the lost of our privacy, but at the same time there is no such thing as privacy so be careful on what you post on social media. Unless you want a knock on the door by the wonder cops with badges asking your weird and uncomfortable questions regarding your social media page for criminal activity. Not to mention this crazy ass and dangerous game called Swatting I will explain about swatting on my next blog. The moral of the story is do not be stupid and make law enforcement work easy and be safe everyone I am John "Tech Head" McSwain signing off.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Making A Case For Black Silcon Valley Part 2

I do not understand why are black and brown people who have a passion for tech or computers are begging Silicon Valley for tech jobs. Brothas and sistas we need to form our own black version of Silicon Valley to form our own technology firms and businesses besides the top 5 tech firms such as Google,Facebook,Twitter,Apple, and Yahoo are not going to gave you a job. You got to make your own job in any event if the top 5 tech firms wont hire you make your job or work for someone in the long term create your own tech start-ups and enterprises. Let ask you a question brothas and sistas do really think even if the tech firms hire you for example do you really want to be the token black person in the entire company to meet a federal diversity quota?

Do not get me wrong, but I know we as peoples of color faced racism on a regular and daily basis in the tech world it is no different. What to do one might asked give up or form a black Silicon Valley to hire young brothas and sistas out of college and put them to work to not only compete against Silicon Valley, but to run them outta business and blow them out of the damn water. We can do this if we put our collective minds and bring our economics resources to the table then we form our own Silicon Valley. Let me ask another question brothas and sistas did Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Eric Schmidt, the traitorous 8, and other tech moguls did they begged for jobs in their youth while they was in college? The Answer is no because most of them dropped out of college to form their own tech empires, economic futures and made their own dreams a reality.

According to the USA today title called Tech Jobs: Minorities have degrees, but don't get hired by Jessica Guyum and Elizabeth Weise and they said in the article,"As technology becomes a major engine of economic growth in the U.S. economy, tech companies are under growing pressure to diversify their workforces, which are predominantly white, Asian and male. Leaving African Americans and Hispanics out of that growth increases the divide between haves and have-nots. And the technology industry risks losing touch with the diverse nation — and world — that forms its customer base."  In other the big tech firms in Silicon Valley and America are saying in no uncertain terms we don't want people of color working for us it is sad but its the true they are a lot of black and brown computer science majors or other engineering related degrees or certifications get turned down or away and hired some guy from India,Pakistan, China, or Southeast Asia countries with their H1-visas who cannot speak a lick of English and pay a bum ass salary while staying in the US for a temporary time like 18 months to 24 months. Instead of hiring a hard working brotha and sistas with the same qualifications like they non-black and brown counterparts.

Even if they hired you for example they will be known as the token in Silicon Valley. Someone will ask me," Whats wrong with being a token in silicon valley?" My response will be if you like being subjected to humiliated, degrading, hearing racial jokes,dogged out by your co-workers and your bosses then be my guess as for me I want to build my own tech firm and someday bring silicon valley down to their knees with a black silicon valley to support my company. Sometimes in life brothas and sistas you got to fight and embrace a black silicon valley my hope is it will be here in the near future.

To my non-black readers out there on social media and in real life this is why Cyber_Brotha was form to not only talk about tech, but to talk about the racial issues in the tech industry. That is why I said from a black male point of view because we need all voices from different backgrounds to talk about tech as well until then my next blog will be about Law Enforcement Loves Social Media. This is John "Tech Head" McSwain signing off good night.

Here is the like to the USA Today article:


Sunday, October 5, 2014

Making A Case For A Black Silicon Valley

As I was watching PBS's American Experience and the name of the title is called Silicon Valley and it was an excellent documentary. I got a question for black or brown people in the information technology field how come you are not making your own version of Silicon Valley and striving for ownership. You see the picture above these are eight of the best and brightest engineers of the 1950s of Silicon Valley and these guys had the balls to defect from their company Shockley Semiconductor Company to form their own company for economic ownership for themselves and their families. What I have learned from the documentary was strive for economic ownership and take the risks to achieved that goal.

My message for black and brown techies strive for economic ownership and create your own tech start ups and that way you will have economic freedom and peace of mind without office politics and job drama in the workforce. What if Black and Brown Americans formed their own version Silicon Valley across America and hire people from economic depress neighborhood for good and well paying jobs with benefits. That way with a black Silicon Valley you can get a lot of young black and brown males off the streets and away from gang life. If you give them a good paying job they will be so tired after work they will not that time to be on the corners slanging dope and killing each other. With the rise of black tech companies our unemployment rate will decrease in numbers and we see a lot of brothas and sistas being productive and contributing to the overall economy. Why are we fearful of forming our own tech corporations and firms to compete in the global tech economy?

Look I know its a scary thought by becoming economic independent and taking ownership of your tech companies, but look at the above picture of those 8 engineers and scientists. They could have stay at Shockley Semiconductor Company and earned an great paycheck, but they took at chance at the unknown and look at them now they are wealthy beyond they wildest dreams and owning their own company and taking control of their economic destiny in their hands. I know that racism and prejudice exists here in America as a people of color, but at some point you got to leave the corporate plantation behind for a better economic opportunity and future. Plus, are you tired of hearing at your job some of your co-workers saying N-word and racist jokes all the time and treated you like the token black and brown person via stereotypes and you have to play the non-threatening role all the time with a fake smile.Plus are you tired of living to paycheck to paycheck and playing that silly ole office gossip at work everyday of the week and knowing your boss can laid you off without second thought when he or she deem you expandable? We got a lot of young and tech savvy Black and Brown Americans now if we can put our resources together then one day in the future we will that black and brown Silicon Valley in our lifetimes and something we can pass on to our children,grandchildren,great grandchildren for generations to come. I cannot wait for that day to come in the near future come guys lets do it or do you want to be in the status quo like the establishment wants to be and living in the 'hood' across America with no future see image on below life or a strong black and brown tech professionals see below right.

I am John,"Tech Head" McSwain signing off and my next blog will be about drones. Take care and read my blogs on Cyber_Brotha thank you signing off.

Here is the link to the documentary on PBS American Experience Silicon Valley

Saturday, October 4, 2014

My thoughts on Net Neutrality

Hey guys I normally do not write 2 blogs a day, but today I feel like this needs to be heard regarding Net Neutrality. Net Neutrality is meant for the average person to have a voice on the internet without paying an hefty price for internet service and can use it for his or her business ventures. The internet is a place where people can share their ideas and found common interest to talk to each other from around the world without going to the airport to meet them face to face. Also the user can access the news sites from around the world from a different viewpoint without listening to mainstream media and reading dull and blend newspapers. My question why are major internet service providers and some major tech companies are against Net Neutrality? Is it because that everyone is having an voice and equal playing field to compete and creating new and clever, innovation ways to brand their services and products.

Here is some big names who are against Net Neutrality: Verizon,AT&T,Comcast,The National Cable and Telecommunications Association(lobbying organization),and The National Music Publishers. There are more see below.To matters worse why in the hell are the NAACP and other civil rights organizations are against Net Neutrality or an open free internet for all. It is seems to me that someone paid the NAACP and other black and brown civil rights groups off with an hefty donations and nice paychecks for the black and brown leadership members.

An open and free internet is better than a few companies calling the shots and slowing up your internet connection if you disagree with them or exposing their tactics. Without Net Neutrality then how can small tech start ups can compete against the giant and establish corporations with political connects on capital hill and in your state capital.

I am John"Tech Head" McSwain signing out and remember check out my blog Cyber_Brotha for more tech commentary from yours truly from a black perpersitve for a diversity tech world and industry. My Next blog will be called," Drones." Check out these news articles regarding Net Neutrality.


Friday, October 3, 2014


Sorry for the 2 day delay, but its well worth the wait and today's blog will be talking about is Hackers. This the two images I have found on hackers on Google search regarding on hackers and they are different types of hackers such as cyber terrorists, criminals,pranksters,hackvists like Anonymous, and etc. Now someone will ask me," John what in the heck are hackers and how does it affect me?" Hackers are a group of people that hacked into corporate,government, law enforcement, and banking sensitive and confidential information for ill gotten gains. Such as hacking and causing an data breach into an major Wall Street bank like JPMorganChase a banking giant that have hacked and its 76 million affected customers and their personal or business bank account information stolen from these hackers.

It is a cat and mouse game the cat(Good hackers) and the mouse(Bad hackers) every time the corporations and government tried to improve on their cyber defenses and the hackers are always finding ways to exploit and finding an holes in cyber defenses. I notice that on the news or when I doing an Google search on hacking it is always some corporation having a data breach or their cyber defenses being attacked by hackers and I am thinking to myself," I thought that big businesses networks were safe for their customers and clients alike?" I guess not since the rise of hackers you think that major corporations  should invest into cyber security networks and hire programmers, security analysts, database administrators(DBA), and etc.To the upper management of these major corporations to them cyber security and hackers are not important and a waste of time. I said it is very important hackers can potentially destroy the entire US economy and crucial infrastructure. Lets give you an worse case scenario the hackers have hacked into our out dated power grids and the power outage has reached nationwide and the power outage has lasted for about 6 months to a year. Just imagined all commerce will shutdown, TV and news will cease to exist, the internet will go bankrupt everything and everyone is affected by the power outage thanks to the hackers.That have grave and dire national security consequences and as society is increasing dependance on Technology for their business,shopping, banking, and etc. The more chances the hackers will attack our outdated and industrial control grids and network systems if we don't fixed and make important investment to updating our systems and networks then the hackers will make our economy easy prey for an organized cyber attack in which this country have never seen before. That is why our policy makers and corporate executives need to come up with a plan to combat this potential grave threat in the coming future.

I will explain in future blogs on how hackers and the economy what can we do to stop them or at least slow them down. Anyways, my next blog will be my review of the Google Watch. Tune in I am John "Tech Head" McSwain signing off.