Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Can Elections be Hacked?

The way everyone has been talking about data and privacy in Information Technology Security in protecting our sensitive information from cyber criminals and hackers the election comes to mind.  Nothing is safe and secure any more in the cyber security realm and people and politicians needs to realize that their data is not secure. Speaking of which that voter information has been affected in the voting process. We know that most counties in the US has their voter information on private sensitive information like addresses, social security numbers, political party information, phone numbers, and etc. Now what if that information got into the wrong hands by hackers in stealing their identities for criminal purporses.

We have to understand that nothing is secure in cyber space and that including state, federal, county, and city elections. We are not talking about hacking the votes here, but we are talking about campaign information websites, memos, strategies, talking points from candidates on their opponents, and etc. Think about it for a moment what if a hacker creates a fake website of a candidate that the voter wants information on before he or she votes and they click on the website and it redirects them to another site the hackers has make and in order for them to log out of the site they must give their password to get out. Thus leading the hacker to hacked into the victims personal and sensitive accounts like banking, emails, social security numbers, and the list goes on. Check two these two articles on this topic there are more but you have to Google search them tune in next time on Cyber Brotha peace.

Hackers and US elections:

DNC Data Breach:


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