Thursday, March 31, 2022

Why do I want to Join Huntress Labs Inc



  Hey everyone, this is John McSwain here aka Cyberman727 it's been a long hiatus since I have written on my blog post its 2022 its time for a new year i.e., new beginnings. As I was job searching on LinkedIn, Indeed and doing a lot of networking and talking to my networks I saw a job opening for the Mid-Market SDR role from this company call Huntress a cyber security software company that stops hackers and if they going to hack make them earn every inch. I figured with my technology background 5 years of customer service and 6 months to a year worth of Tech Sales talking to different customers, MSPs, VARs, Partners, Resellers, and etc. I think I found my possible niche' I always love cyber security and sales why because if I can gain that partners' trust, I got them then they will tell me their pain points and listening to their concerns and issues what is going on in their industry and is my solution palatable and meeting their industry's compliance, cost, and security standards. Sure, the Big Boys or the enterprise organizations can afford IT departments and big budgets, but they can be hacked and have a lot of weak points and not secure firewalls. So where does that leave the mom-and-Pop Businesses or the SMBs? Expose to zero-day attacks both the SMBs and enterprise are in this and need to understand hackers are becoming more and more smarter and stealthier to put their viruses and traps by the day. Here are my 3 reasons why I want to join Huntress 


  • Reason number 1: The Culture on what seen on LinkedIn, the website, and the tradecraft Tuesday podcast and talking to the recruiter Erin it’s a work hard play hard culture and word on the street in the team chat she mention the Fun Bus having fun while you work, I love that and my other jobs I had I was known as the fun jet and spreading that positive and motivational energy. Plus having fun with coworkers bringing in the great vibes and being one step ahead of the bad guys and making them earn every inch of their access to the point they give up. 

  • Reason number 2: Their Mission Cyber Security of the 99 percent. If we can tailor made our solution to help SMBs protect their hackers they we are doing a great service. I am not naïve we are not going to live in a hacker free society, but we can at least freeze them and mitigate the impact and risk to SMBs.  

  • Reason Number 3: Growth and career I have goals in this space here is my 10-year sales career plan. In 2 to 3 years from I see myself as an Account Executive or AE to have these nuance and strategic talks with our clients on how can Huntress really help SMBs Ie the end users be protected from hackers. 2 years after that I see myself as a Sales Trainer to help the new generation of Sales Development Reps or SDRs to give them the tools they need to be successful and to generate these nice and hot leads to our AEs to drum up business for Huntress and stay hungry for more success. 5 years of the final 10 years I also see myself as an In-House Sales Advisor or Manager to help Huntress leadership team to create plans on how can we talk Huntress brand to the next level and thrive in this space. Or I could one day see myself being a leader of my own team to give guidance and training on Future Huntress Hunters against hackers to lead them and help future customers buy in the Huntress brand to bring up other SMBs to join us and collaboration stopping hackers. 

Yours Truly,

John McSwain aka Cyberman727

Monday, June 13, 2016

Back Office and Hackers

I found something interesting that  while employees of the organization are going home to their families and love ones from a hard day's work and enjoying their weekend. Somewhere from around the world hackers, cyber criminals, state-sponsored rogue governments terrorist networks are hard at work and compromising our control grid and networks from public and private organizations damaging our national security. In order to prevent this type of cyber attacks organizations need to create an 24/7 back office support and security teams to report incident logs, document evidence, trace IP addresses from national origins by looking at certain types of viruses, malware, phishing tools.To detect certain patterns  Cyber attacks are happening everyday, every second, every hour of the day and yes it happens at 1 in morning as well because cyber criminals never sleep or rest until the task is completed. Also the cyber attacks is not always from the outside sometimes they the black hats have inside help from rogue employees within the organizations as well because they want to tear it down from within. The reasons why rogue employees may vary from a layoff, not getting promoted, pay issues, and etc. If you look at the what employees are capable of they can place logic bombs within the company or government networks with a set time limit  so when they leave the building and everyone don't notice that their systems and workstations are being compromised by the rogue employees.

Take a look at my college paper called JM's Cyber Solutions this paper will take you and having a great understanding on cyber security in my next blog post.

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Sunday, June 12, 2016

PowerGrid and Hacking


Hackers are already setting their sights if not already our nation's power grids and industrial infrastructure in the US it will be long before the power might go out not for an 30 minutes or an hour, but for months on end. Can you imagine a nation without power government services will be severed grind to an halt, medical centers and services will be on back up power that last for days not months, military defenses will be shut down against foreign and domestic terror attacks, businesses will be harmed due to lack of logistics and shipping their products to customers. Oh yes even the stock market i.e. financial institutions and investing houses will be in the red and will cause an economic calamity for world economy will be damaged beyond repair. If you thinking this is some type of science fiction movie or playing the worse case situation in Zero day attacks in a movie than you are terrible mistaken. If the federal government does not taken steps in investing and modernizing into our aging infrastructure than we are in trouble.

The federal government has to understand that our current power grids, power plants, and industrial controls are over 30 years old and they need serious upgrades to make them stronger against hackers, cyber-terrorists, government sponsor hackers, rogue employees, and bad actors in the cyber world who want to do us harm in compromising our national security. Think about it the age of the standing armies of the past in warfare are the thing of the past the new threat is the cyber armies both foreign and domestic threats. If a power outrage does happen for example the federal government must coordinate their resources to assist state and local government and containing the crisis and restore power ASAP and restore public confidence with the American people cyberattacks are inevitable, but at least minimum the threats and weaknesses in the power grids by doing an major  over haul in the entire power grid system. Yes it will cost a lot of money by investing to modernize the power system, but at the same time we cannot afford a massive power outage like for example New York City in 2003 or it was known as the Northeast Blackout there is an old saying," Those we don't know history are condemn to repeat it." Here is an article on the subject down below for reader about massive power outages on power grids.

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Wednesday, December 23, 2015

My Thoughts on Microsoft's Enterprise Security

Now we know that Microsoft and any other large tech giant needs to have new enterprise security to prevent hackers from penetrating their networks and control grids. But it's seems to me that the tech giant Microsoft is not sparing no expense in their enterprise security approach and strategy. For example they have hired a lot of cyber security specialists in building their attack protections, detections, and response features into their windows 10 and Microsoft office 365 programs like word, excel, PowerPoint, and etc. If you are going to invest in a $1 Billion dollars into your R and D programs you better make it count because you don't get another opportunity like this again in the corporate world. Normally that upper and executive management are not interested in investing any money in cyber security and enterprise security especially a billion dollars, but as cyber security are being front and center and it seems like in the news there is always a data breach happening almost everyday companies and government agencies are taking a new approach in this new frontier.

I am cautious, but if Microsoft sometime put their security detention protocols in their enterprise security programs into motion and be successful with it then other companies will follow suit. After all this can at least slow down the hackers in their tracks and with their security features this can alert the white hats in advance that a black hat is attempting to hacked into the enterprise security software. The names of the new security features on Window's 10 is called Microsoft Passport, Windows Hello, and Credential Guard this will integrate with the Azure Active Directory in merging with the Advanced Threat Analytics can detect suspicious login patterns, brute force, and pass-the-hash-attacks. Google search these security features on Windows 10 above and check out this article above and tune in next time on cyber brotha peace.

Microsoft's Enterprise Security Apporach:

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Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Can Elections be Hacked?

The way everyone has been talking about data and privacy in Information Technology Security in protecting our sensitive information from cyber criminals and hackers the election comes to mind.  Nothing is safe and secure any more in the cyber security realm and people and politicians needs to realize that their data is not secure. Speaking of which that voter information has been affected in the voting process. We know that most counties in the US has their voter information on private sensitive information like addresses, social security numbers, political party information, phone numbers, and etc. Now what if that information got into the wrong hands by hackers in stealing their identities for criminal purporses.

We have to understand that nothing is secure in cyber space and that including state, federal, county, and city elections. We are not talking about hacking the votes here, but we are talking about campaign information websites, memos, strategies, talking points from candidates on their opponents, and etc. Think about it for a moment what if a hacker creates a fake website of a candidate that the voter wants information on before he or she votes and they click on the website and it redirects them to another site the hackers has make and in order for them to log out of the site they must give their password to get out. Thus leading the hacker to hacked into the victims personal and sensitive accounts like banking, emails, social security numbers, and the list goes on. Check two these two articles on this topic there are more but you have to Google search them tune in next time on Cyber Brotha peace.

Hackers and US elections:

DNC Data Breach:

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Monday, December 21, 2015

Governments needs to update Cybersecurity

Governments from the state, city, county, and federal level needs to update their cybersecurity and network servers in their control grids. The reasons why public sector organizations and agencies keep on getting hacked over and over again is because they are not taking the time to update their networks and not putting cybersecurity as a priority one right now. Not only there are having outdated operating systems, ineffective security configurations, poor password control, failure to install security patches and a lack of timely scanning to detect vulnerabilities. To me this is a failure of leadership from the governor, state house, department heads on down to the cyber security director and I am not saying that government agencies are not behind the times, but they need to work jointly with the private sector i.e. corporate America for partnership on cyber security related issues.

Plus they need to increase their cyber security and budgets every year to fight hackers from hacking into their secure systems. If the governments from city, state , and federal do get on board soon then they will continued to have hacking problems, but this time it will be 10 times worse to the point where government services will be affected the most like payroll for government employees, social security for retirees, Medicare and medical payments from hospitals will grind to an halt, not to mention public safety as well. We have to understand cybersecurity is apart of our world and governments musts update their security networks in this cyber frontier we all live in I know this is scary but we must adapt to this new environment. Stop being reactive and be proactive to the situation at hard governments must need to really update their security patches, and stop making passwords must easy for the hackers to exploit to their advantages so sensitive documents don't get stolen or the files get corrupted by computer virus from internal and external threats. I don't care what a government official says their systems are not 100 percent secure and unhackable if a hacker wants to get into a government server they will find away in it is a cat and mouse game government leaders must become a hacker to take down hackers in their system and databases.

Friday, December 18, 2015

Space Storms

It is possible that in the near future that so called space storms i.e. solar eruptions can destroy our critical computer and industrial systems in the coming years. You might be thinking, "There is no way that is a possible?" Well according to the US government and the National Science and Technology Council they said it is possible they have released their National Space Weather Action Plan in their report. This plan is a worse case scenario that in any event that a solar eruption in space that can disrupt electric power systems, satellites, phone networks, space launches, navigation systems, and the space station itself. That means we have a problem as you know that everything runs on computer and internet connection and if that is disrupted due to the space weather above us then everything will come to a standstill.

For example, crucial GPS on both military and civilian airlines will be disrupted by causing GPS errors, power lines will be overloaded with extra electricity, and etc. I know this is worse case scenario, but we as a people have to be aware of this things it can happen one day in the near and coming future it is food for thought. Also another thing as well if solar eruptions or space storms has the potential to destroy our aging power grid systems and this is why we need to modernize our control grid to withstand solar flares from space storms I hope that policymakers, business executives, scientists government directors from different government agencies, and military leaders to this type of threat seriously in the future.  Here is the NSTC's Action Plan and the article and tune in next time on cyber brotha peace.

Space Storms and Critical Networks  

NSTC's Action Plan